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Studies economic, social, tourism and market


Major areas of study

Collaborate in improving the economic and social welfare in general through studies and proposals that meet the needs of each. In this sense we intend to develop a research and rigorous study from an eminently applied side, where economic efficiency criteria which will guide our work.

Objective social
and economic
We aim to studies that contribute to a better understanding of the social and economic reality in all areas, and the clarification of its economic and social problems, to establish the appropriate strategies for action to improve this situation.


  • Performing general studies on the economic and social structure at the regional, provincial, district or local level. Also perform comparative analysis of regional and Planning studies and business location.

  • Making entrepreneurship studies, including both market analysis as those designed to improve the organization, management and business strategy.

  • General provision of services to operators, such as business reports, indicators, forecasting, statistical and economic modeling treatments.

  • Design and management of territorial development operations, paying particular attention to the implementation and promotion of local development programs.

  • Development and support for technological research. Just as the performance of all kinds of studies that can help shape harmonious development models and to guide rational decision making at any level.

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Observatorio Turistico de Granada

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