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Specific products for Business Associations

Consultancy services
for Business Associations
Consultancy services for Business Associations

Economic Indicators and Economic Forecasts.

Indexing economic climate, comparatively, to various territorial (international, national, regional, provincial, county or municipal). The indicators can be structured in thematic areas: Demand, Job Market, Prices and Earnings, Business, Economic Sectors, Financial System, External Sector, etc.

We propose the construction of a synthetic indicator of business development, from a selection of variables. The methodology of aggregation is effected by PCA (Principal Component Analysis) or by calculating the distance indicator DP2. As a complement, Economic Forecasts elaborate on key macroeconomic variables of the province (GDP, employment, inflation, exports, ...)

The indicators will be developed on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, according to the information needs for distribution via the Internet (On-Line).

Economic Indicators.

Economic reports in this category be framed within a context of cyclical or structural analysis, referred to a particular territory. In general, would track the status of the business sector in the province, compared to regional and national environment. In this sense, we have consolidated several prestigious multi Reports, which have allowed the participation of many researchers in the field of the University and the private sector.
  • Annual Report of the province Business Sector (In-depth analysis of the main economic sectors of the province and its annual change)
  • Business situation Bulletin (quarterly or semi-annual)

Sector Studies and Monographs.

The objective of the sector studies or monographs is to provide a thorough understanding on certain productive sectors of the province, or on topics of special interest or relevance in the institutional or business. Mainly, the outcome of these studies will be used to make a diagnosis of the situation, know its evolution from a cyclical or forward trends and propose strategic actions. In this sense, we developed the following Sector Studies and Monographs:
  • Food Industry.
  • Agricultural auxiliary industry.
  • Marble industry and mining activities.
  • Renewables.
  • Services (trade, tourism, business services ...)
  • Monographs on innovation and business development, degree of internationalization and competitiveness of businesses in the province.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Primary Type.

We offer extensive experience in the development of surveying work in many different areas, to set up a quick and reliable, capable of responding to the needs that might arise from the Business Confederation of the Province. This type of work can be translated into the development of indicators, as part of studies, such as barometers or specific analysis of a certain reality.
  • Planning and development of field work for the development of indicators, specific analyzes, or as part of studies.
  • Analysis and processing of data.
  • Development of monitoring indicators, as barometers and expert panels.

Executive Training Services.

This facility is a need to transfer the business and specific specialized training for decision-making. The objective is to organize sessions for entrepreneurs and professionals, designed to increase their knowledge and skills on a particular fact or situation. We speak, therefore, of very specific content sessions, practical and useful, basically oriented to groups of entrepreneurs acquire more knowledge about realities that directly affect the operation of your business.
  • Forums economic monitoring.
  • Sectoral sessions.
  • Meetings of expert committees.

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