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We urge users of our independent surveying services entering / transfer the exact amount they receive as any cents difference can mean a problem to the administration department to verify or validate the payment.

In turn, it is essential that the concept of income / transfers, bearing the identification code PAYMENT which are available via email if you have chosen any of these modalities.

Income account

The user fee income for the exact amount to be communicated in any account that you provide. You can send us proof of payment by email or fax proof of payment to expedite processing.

To include this amount in our extracts, validation will be processed immediately and renewal or hiring the Service. Data from the bank accounts where the income is made available to perform through the user email, only when choosing this mode.

Bank transfer

The user fee by bank transfer the exact amount to be informed, to one of our bank accounts. You can send us proof of payment by email or fax proof of payment to expedite processing.

However, we must be stated that in case of doubt, we will not transfer as validated until such amount is effectively targeted as a movement in the extracts provided by our banks. Remember that a transfer from another bank may take between 1 and 4 days.

Credit / Debit

You will pay for the exact amount of the Service through the payment gateway provided.

We note that if in doubt, do not give as validated payment until such amount is effectively targeted as a movement in the extracts provided by our banks.


You will pay the exact amount requested by the Service through the gateway and step provided exclusively for PayPal users.

Payment will be valid when this amount is effectively targeted as a movement in the extracts provided by our banks.

Other Payment Methods

In short try to have new forms of payment (bank effects, Mobipay, etc.) That will be implemented in accordance with demand from our customers, offering security, and the availability of the same.

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