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About us

Technical team
Technical team
We are a group of highly skilled independent professionals, dedicated to applied research work that contributes to the improvement of the socio-economic knowledge, preparing studies and social and economic reporting since 1995.

We developed a research and rigorous study from an eminently applied, thus helping to promote social and economic development, and making it easier for public and private decision making in driving new investment initiatives or activity.

To achieve development objectives and lines of work, we combine the efficiency and effectiveness conditions, adjusting their proposals in time and preserving the quality of them and for this we have a broad structure of economists, sociologists, statisticians and computer scientists as the needs of each study.

Experience Throughout all these years of experience, we have specialized in multiple areas of knowledge, having developed and produced over 800 studies, such as:

Social and Economic Reports.

  • Reports of Andalusia, Seville and Cordoba, Seville Demographic Bulletin, Social Economy, Quality of Life, Labour Market, sociological studies...

Impact Studies of Major Projects and Events.

  • Olympics 2010 Granada, Seville Athletics World Championships, Universiade, construction of new highways, AVE, Science Park, Museum CajaGranada Memory of Andalusia, Health Technology Park...

Observatories and Tourism Studies.

  • Observatories of Granada, Jaén, Córdoba, Sevilla and Sierra Nevada, various studies of tourist resorts, planning, new tourist segments...

Strategic Plans and Sector Studies and Development.

  • Strategic planning of municipalities, local development projects, municipal information systems, diagnosis and potential of sectors...

Feasibility of Business Projects and Investment.

  • CajaGranada expansion plans, development of industrial parks, and leisure resorts in various municipalities, public parking feasibility, business plans and future positioning of companies...

Potential Emerging Sectors.

  • Renewable energy, Water Cycle, Health and Beauty, Cures, Biotechnology...

Spatial Analysis, Urban and Environmental.

  • Industrial land development, land and housing needs, analysis of sectors PGOU, POTAUG enlargement, EU-1 study Sierra Nevada, PDS assessment of natural parks Alcornocales Mágina and Sierra Nevada...

Trade and SMEs.

  • Viability and development of Town Centre Management, new hypermarket, success and failure of micro, revitalization and maintenance of traditional trade (Urban Plan), impact of microcredit...

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